1972-1978 Attended the Ohio State University. Received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Animal Science specializing in Meat Science.
Summer of 1977 Conducted research for my Master's Degree at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Researching oxidative rancidity in mechanically deboned pork.
1978-1984 employed by Peter Eckrich & Sons, Inc. as a Food Technologist in Product Development
1984 Started a Smoked Ham business (Schad Meats, Inc.) in Cincinnati, Ohio selling finished product to butcher shops and independent grocery stores in the Southwest Ohio and
Northern Kentucky area. This is a USDA inspected facility.
2003-2008 Member of the National Advisory Committee for Meat and Poultry Inspection
2004 Champion Award - Spirit of Cincinnati Awards - Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
2004-2005 President of The Ohio Association of Meat Processors
2005-2006 President of The American Association of Meat Processors
2008 Sold my company and became a consultant to the meat industry
2008 Food Defense consultant in Peru - Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC)
2009 Food Defense consultant in Thailand - Asia Pacific Economic Community
2011 Consultant for Planning and Implementation new USDA facility
2013 Consultant for Planning and Start Up new USDA facility